The EACH Foundation funds a security system for important historical building on Maui.
The best bench in Lahaina! Yep, we tested many spots under the famous Banyan Tree and found the best spot.
How? Why? Through The EACH foundation, I was able to give $5,000 to the Lahaina Restoration Foundation, to help them install a security camera around the historical Baldwin House museum in downtown Lahaina. As a thank you, LRF, put a commemorative bench to honor Martha Gerbode (the woman who created the parent foundation that eventually funded The EACH Foundation) under what I’ve heard is the second largest Banyan Tree in the world.
Next time you are in Lahaina, take a moment to sit here in the shade and contemplate this importance of this historic whaling town in the middle of the Pacific. Read below to learn more about the how the Banyan Tree maintained it’s public park status, due to the efforts of people like Theo Morrison, executive director of the Lahaina Restoration Foundation.

Aloha Mimi,
The $5,000 check arrived - Mahalo!! We have ordered the security cameras and I have called our woodworker who will order materials and begin making the bench. We so appreciate your donation. Thank you!
The bronze plaque for the bench will be 8” x 3” and you can have up to 4 lines with not more than 31 letters/spaces per line. I will send you a proof before we create the plaque. Please send me the wording for your plaque.
As a committed environmentalist, Martha Gerbode would have loved Banyan Tree Park. The tree takes up a full city block, stands 60’ tall and a birthday party is held in its honor every April. With her strong connection to Maui, it is highly probably that Mrs. Gerbode spent time under the Lahaina banyan tree at some point in her life.
In the early 1970s, the state judiciary wanted to take back control of the Lahaina Courthouse and Banyan Tree Park from the County of Maui stating that the building “is the oldest functioning government building in the state.” The Judiciary planned to solve some of the increasing parking difficulties at the site by allowing parking under the Banyan Tree!
The County made it clear that any such plan would be met with “strenuous resistance” from the county. Fortunately for all concerned, the state decided to build a new courthouse outside of town next to the Lahaina Civic Center and Banyan Tree Park did not become a parking lot.
Today, the Lahaina Visitor Center, Lahaina Heritage Museum and the Art Society Galleries occupy the Old Lahaina Courthouse located in Banyan Tree Park. The building is managed by the Lahaina Restoration Foundation.
Your generous contribution will provide a lasting legacy for our town. Lahaina will be a better, more enjoyable place with another beautiful new bench for Banyan Tree Park and security cameras to provide protection for three of our museums.
It takes a special person to understand the importance of historic preservation, and we applaud you for supporting work that keeps Lahaina’s history vibrant now and for years to come.
Your wisdom, your foresight and your passion for Lahaina are commendable. Thank you again for your wonderful gift.
Per your request, receipts, photos etc. will be faxed to the number provided
Theo Morrison
Executive Director
Lahaina Restoration Foundation